Australian Embassy

Australian Embassy in Myanmar

Welcome to the website for the Australian Embassy in Yangon. This website provides an overview of the services provided by the Australian Embassy in Yangon and provides links and information to other Australian government departments that may be useful to Australians in Myanmar.

Where to find us

The Australian Embassy is located in Vantage Tower, 623 Pyay Road, Yangon, Myanmar +95 1 230 7410

We also have a Facebook page you can visit:    AusEmbMyr


Consular Information for Australians

Contacting the Embassy

The Embassy is open 08:00am-4:00pm, Monday to Friday (expect Public Holidays). We are operating by appointment only, unless it is an emergency.

For consular assistance only, please call or email us to book an appointment. The Embassy’s reception email is [email protected].  The Embassy's switchboard number is +95 12307410.

If you need to contact us urgently, please phone the Consular Emergency Centre on +61 (2) 6261 3305. This number operates 24 hours a day, 7 day a week.  International calling rates may apply. Check with your phone carrier for international voice call charges before making international calls.

If you are seeking passport or notarial services you can make a booking by following the link below to book an appointment:

You can also follow the Australian Embassy in Myanmar on Facebook:


Latest Travel Advice

You can review the Australian Government travel advice for Myanmar and learn more about local safety, laws and health risks via Myanmar Travel Advice


Are you applying for an Australian Passport?

Please ensure your passport remains valid at all times. You should allow a minimum of 6 weeks to receive a passport. If that’s too long for you, an emergency passport might be the answer. Further information on applying for a passport is available on our Passports page.

The Embassy is providing passport services to clients by appointment only. For enquiries or to make an appointment, please email [email protected].


Are you an Australian living in Myanmar?

For information for Australians remaining in Myanmar please visit Information for Australians.


Are you planning to travel or return to Australia?

For information on travel to Australia please visit Information for Australians.


Are you planning to travel to Myanmar?

All enquiries by Australians planning to travel to Myanmar should be directed to their local Myanmar Embassy to seek advice on travel arrangements and to submit a visa application. All travellers should review Smartraveller Myanmar Travel Advice to learn more about local safety, laws and health risks prior to travel.


Latest News

Joint Press Statement on the Humanitarian Situation in Myanmar

16 July 2024

(The following is a joint statement, delivered by Ambassador Robert Wood, Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs, on behalf of the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Albania, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and the European Union and its Member States, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.)

We are deeply concerned by the escalation of violence and conflict and credible reports of violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law across Myanmar that are deepening the humanitarian crisis.  Recent reports indicate the Myanmar regime has taken deliberate steps in Rakhine State to use internally displaced persons (IDP), many of whom are Rohingya, as human shields amid the conflict.  We are particularly concerned by reports indicating the regime has placed landmines around IDP camps and appears to have taken steps to use these camps as military bases.  There are also credible reports of forced recruitment of persons, including children, belonging to ethnic minorities by the Myanmar Armed Forces in particular and other parties, which risk further fueling inter-communal tensions and aggravating the humanitarian situation.

These concerning developments follow a range of reports of other violations and abuses, particularly by the Myanmar Armed Forces, including indiscriminate aerial bombardments of civilians and civilian objects, burning of civilian homes, attacks on humanitarian workers and facilities, and restrictions on humanitarian access.  These practices are unacceptable.

Since the regime’s violent military coup in February 2021 and attack on the Myanmar population, the number of people in humanitarian need has risen from 1 million to 18.6 million.  More than 2.9 million have been newly displaced, including 66,000 people who have sought protection in neighboring countries, adding to the more than 1 million Rohingya refugees who fled before the coup.  We highlight the importance of all countries respecting the principle of nonrefoulement.  We reiterate our commitment to support safe, voluntary, dignified, and sustainable repatriation when conditions allow.  We also reiterate the call for full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access to all people in need, including women, children, and members of ethnic and other minority populations.

We urge the Myanmar Armed Forces in particular and all parties concerned in Myanmar to de-escalate violence, respect international humanitarian law and human rights law, and to protect civilians.  We recall our demands for the full implementation of UNSC resolution 2669 (2022).  We reiterate our full support for ASEAN’s central role and for the appointment of Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Julie Bishop.  We reiterate calls to engage in constructive and inclusive dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the situation in Myanmar.



Australia Awards Scholarships in Myanmar 2025 intake

Applications open on 1 February for Australia Awards Myanmar Masters-level study in Australia for 2025.

Australia Awards scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of global leaders for development. Through study and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge to drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links with Australia.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of Bachelors degree and have at least 2 years of work experience. Applicants must also be able to safely and legally depart to study in Australia and return to Myanmar upon completion.

Applications close 30 April 2024, 8:29pm Yangon time.

Applicants are assessed on their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to have a positive impact on development challenges in Myanmar.

Applications are strongly encouraged from individuals from the private sector, community services and non-government organisations. Applications are also strongly encouraged from women, people with disability and other marginalised groups.

For more information:

Country Profile 2025: click here

Referee Report Template (doc): click here

Curriculum Vitae Template (doc): click here

Scholarships Policy Handbook: : click here


Call for Expressions of Interest for the 2023-24 Direct Aid Program (DAP)

The Australian Embassy in Myanmar is pleased to call for Expressions of Interest for the 2023-24 Direct Aid Program (DAP).  DAP is a small grants program for development projects managed by the Australian Embassy.

We are inviting Expressions of Interest for projects in the areas of

-              youth empowerment and sport;

-              climate change adaptation and mitigation; and

-              cultural heritage and the creative economy.

The maximum funding available per project is AUD 60,000 or local currency equivalent. Projects can run up to a maximum of two years from their start date.

Information on who can apply and which projects are eligible are available at Expressions of Interest can be prepared and submitted through the same link.

The deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is Sunday 28 January 2024. Those applicants who are shortlisted will be invited to submit a more detailed application. 

Further information about DAP is available at

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].


Sixth Anniversary of the Myanmar Military’s Attack against Rohingya

  • Statement issued by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

25 August 2023

Today marks six years since the violence against Rohingya communities in Rakhine which resulted in mass displacement. Rohingya communities in Myanmar have been further affected by the widespread devastation recently caused by Tropical Cyclone Mocha. We continue to urge the military regime to grant safe and unimpeded access to affected areas so that lifesaving humanitarian assistance can reach those in need.

Australia's desire to see a resolution to the crisis remains steadfast. We continue to stand with Bangladesh as it hosts nearly one million displaced Rohingya, and remain committed to working with the Bangladesh Government and humanitarian community to support Rohingya and the communities hosting them in Cox's Bazar. We strongly support international efforts to pursue accountability for atrocities committed in Myanmar. We call on the military regime to create the conditions necessary for the voluntary, safe, dignified, and sustainable return of Rohingya to Myanmar. We continue to support the people of Myanmar in their pursuit of peace, human rights and a return to the path of democracy.


Statement on political party deregistration in Myanmar

  • Statement issued by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

29 March 2023

Australia is seriously concerned about the further narrowing of political space in Myanmar resulting from the imposition and requirements of the new Political Party Registration Law. Many parties who previously participated in the political process in Myanmar, including the National League for Democracy (NLD), are no longer registered.

Any political process in Myanmar that excludes participation by a broad range of stakeholders will not lead to a genuinely representative outcome, and risks further violence and instability. We urge the regime to ensure all stakeholders can participate in Myanmar’s democratic future, and that all voices can be heard.

The people of Myanmar continue to show their courage and commitment to a democratic country in the face of increasing repression and violence by the regime. We will continue to closely monitor the regime’s actions, and call for the restoration of democracy including credible elections.


Targeted sanctions in response to human rights violations in Myanmar and Iran

  • Joint media release from Senator The Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs, with:
  • The Hon Tim Watts MP, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs

01 February 2023

The Australian Government is imposing targeted financial sanctions and travel bans on individuals responsible for egregious human rights abuses in Myanmar, as well as sanctions on entities enabling the repression of its people.

The Government is also imposing additional sanctions on Iranian individuals and entities over abhorrent abuses of human rights.

Sanctioned individuals include 16 members of the Myanmar military regime’s governing State Administration Council (SAC), as key individuals directly responsible for the coup d’état two years ago today.

Two Myanmar military controlled entities, Myanmar Economic Public Holdings Ltd (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC), will also be subject to targeted financial sanctions.

Over the past two years Australia, ASEAN and international partners have repeatedly called on the Myanmar regime to engage in constructive dialogue and find a peaceful and durable resolution to the ongoing crisis.

Despite these calls, the regime has continued its anti-democratic actions against the people of Myanmar, including violence and recent steps targeting opposition voices.

The military regime has responded violently to any form of political expression, including peaceful protests. There is evidence thousands of civilians, including children, have been jailed, tortured, or killed.

Australia will continue to closely monitor the regime’s actions. We will be looking to see improvements for people on the ground and moves towards the restoration of democracy, including credible elections.

In this context, we will continue to keep our targeted sanctions toward Myanmar under review.

Australia strongly supports ASEAN’s leadership as a key element in responding to the Myanmar crisis. 

The Australian Government is also imposing Magnitsky-style sanctions on 16 Iranian individuals and one Iranian entity.

Among those subject to Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions are the Basij Cooperative Foundation, and senior law enforcement, political and military figures – including those within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – involved in the violent crackdown on protests following the death of Mahsa ‘Jina’ Amini and the continued oppression of the people of Iran.

Additionally, Australia is joining partners to impose additional targeted financial sanctions on four Iranian individuals and four entities involved in the production and supply of drones to Russia.

Iranian-made drones have been used by Russia to target Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Australia stands with the people of Myanmar, the people of Iran and with the people of Ukraine.

We employ every strategy at our disposal towards upholding human rights – ranging from dialogue and diplomacy to sanctions – consistent with our values and our interests.

For further information on Australia’s sanctions frameworks, please visit: Sanctions regimes | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (


Myanmar: Joint Statement on the two year anniversary of the military coup

1 February 2023

A joint statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union, and the Foreign Ministers of Albania, Armenia, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, the Federated States of Micronesia, Georgia, Ghana, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

On 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military staged a coup d'état and seized power against the will of the people, plunging the country into a deep political, economic and humanitarian crisis.

Over the last two years, the people of Myanmar have courageously demonstrated their commitment to a democratic country, demanding respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and showing determined resilience in the face of unspeakable atrocities.

Since the coup, the military regime has violently cracked down on any form of opposition, including peaceful protests. Credible reports indicate that thousands of civilians, including children, have been jailed, tortured and killed.

There are mounting reports that air strikes, bombardments and the mass burning of villages and places of worship have targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure. Reports of torture and sexual violence by the security forces are widespread. The prolonged conflict has seen thousands of civilian casualties, over 17 million people in need and 1.5 million people displaced from their homes.

We welcome and support the central role of ASEAN in addressing the crisis in Myanmar, including the efforts of the ASEAN Chair and ASEAN Special Envoy to Myanmar.

We welcome the UN Security Council Resolution 2669 (2022) on the situation in Myanmar which calls for the immediate cessation of violence and the upholding of universal human rights, the provision of full and unhindered humanitarian access and the protection of civilians. It calls on the military regime to effectively and fully implement ASEAN's Five-Point Consensus, and to immediately release all arbitrarily detained prisoners, including President Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi. It reaffirms our support for the ASEAN Special Envoy to Myanmar and the UN Special Envoy to Myanmar and encourages their close coordination.  It also urges all parties in Myanmar to work constructively with both Envoys to commence dialogue to seek a peaceful solution.

The military overruled the democratic wishes of the people of Myanmar as expressed in the November 2020 General Election, when they seized power on 1 February 2021. We reiterate our call for the return of Myanmar to a democratic path. The military regime must end violence and create space for meaningful and inclusive dialogue to allow for any democratic process to resume.

We once again call on all members of the international community to support all efforts to hold those responsible for human rights violations and abuses to account; to cease the sale and transfer of arms and equipment which facilitate atrocities; and to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of Myanmar's people, including its most vulnerable communities. 

We remain resolute in our support for all those working peacefully towards an inclusive and democratic future for the people of Myanmar.

Myanmar: Joint Statement on the two year anniversary of the military coup | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (



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