Australian Embassy


Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) Visa (Subclass 400)

This visa is for people who are seeking short-term entry to Australia to undertake non-ongoing highly specialised work or to participate in non-ongoing cultural or social activities at the invitation of an organisation that is lawfully operating in Australia.

There are three streams of entry:

1. Highly Specialised Work stream – for overseas workers to undertake highly specialised work in Australia in a non-ongoing role. It does not allow for short term employment in an ongoing position, or for performance of generic skilled duties that can be delivered by available Australian skilled workers with similar experience and qualifications.

2. Invited Participant stream – for people to enter Australia to participate in one or more specified non-ongoing events at the invitation of an organisation that is lawfully operating in Australia, provided they are not being paid by an Australian party to do so.

3. Australia’s Interest stream – for people who do not satisfy the requirements of the Highly Specialised Work or Invited Participant streams, to be granted a visa where the delegate considers there are compelling circumstances affecting the interests of Australia.

Health & character requirements

In some circumstances you may be requested to undertake a medical examination. More information explaining the health and character requirements are available from this website. See: Health requirements and Character requirements.

How to apply

Temporary work visa applications are lodged and processed at the Australian Embassy, Yangon. If you are applying for a Subclass 400 visa and depending on your circumstances, you may need to apply for this visa online at Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) visa online application.

To lodge a paper application:
  1. Download the temporary work subclass 400 visa Temporary Work (Short Stay) Checklist. The checklist will help you prepare all the documents   you need for the application.
  2. Download and complete the correct form - Form 1400
  3. Make sure you have the right Visa Application Charges
  4. Read the information on where to lodge your application
  5. Check the processing time